Saturday, November 12, 2011

Waffle success!

While our Kitchen is being remodeled (by my handy husband) we have had to be creative in cooking meals.

Of course, since I don't have an oven, I am aching to bake. Here is one way around it.
We ran to the store to pickup cinnamon roll dough, dug out the waffle maker, and searched for a working wall plug.
Our waffle maker has 4 wells, which is perfect because the buns come in a package of 8.
The boys of course are watching every minute like we're inventing something new.
So easy. Just drop the rolls on a well greased, completely hot grill and smash down. Don't worry, they pop back up.
Then drizzle with included frosting, AKA heaven, and enjoy.
Really, I think this is the best way to make cinnamon rolls for small batches. No need to heat up the oven.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just Do It!

Hello World!
I've been collecting ideas for years. As well as collecting 'lovelies' for years too.
As a mom of 3 amazing high energy boys, my creative time is theraputic.

I hope you enjoy and can relate to the trials and tribulations of a mom, wife, and avid crafter.

Fair warning: I participate in TMI often!
