Friday, July 27, 2012


I was having a creative thought moment, and decided  I would record my idea here. To share....and most importantly to remember!

The next new year is 2013. My DS will turn 13 in January.

So.... I was thinking of collecting as many pictures of family and friends as I can, from when they were 13.
Then collage them on to 3D numbers 2013. 

Cool idea right? I know!

I'll be sure to update once I've gotten it together.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DIY Gypsy Kitchen Countertop

So, we have yet to decide on the awesome countertop that is to be installed in our new kitchen (and figure out how to pay for it!). In an effort to move on from the plywood base without getting anything permanent, I used an awesome JoAnn's 40% coupon and installed this!
Marine Vinyl!! I got the entire 96" cut for $20. Awesome right?
I used push pin brads to 'Country' it up a bit.
Start in the middle and pull the vinyl taut, not tight, because it will pull at the pins if you pull it tight.
On the sitting side, I stapled it to the underside so the it wraps around.
So far, with 3 boys and a gaggle of friends coming over for the summer, it's holding up well!
What do you think?